"Very nice workmanship! The bike is more responsive in acceleration" (compared to another brand high flow Air Cleaner). Data from the Power Vision shows it calls for "significantly more fuel over 3,000 RPMs and under a load. " "This is the perfect Air Intake for motors 110CI and above. Bottom line, your A/C flows better and especially in areas that you want increased flow >3k range."
Craig Bennet, AZ
I removed my heat shields after installing the VooDoo. I don't need them anymore, its that much cooler.
Rob, AZ
Hear what people who use our VooDoo Air Intake are saying about it.
Read the full review from Craig Bennett here:
"I have put about 1000 mile since adding the air cleaner and have not had any issues keepin it clean or any issues with it at all. I am currently working on getting the bike tuned correctly since it pulls a ton of air into the motor and it seems to keep the temps down. I would definitely recomend the air cleaner. "
Brandon, AZ